Copilul asta are o scuza adorabila pentru a nu-si manca pastele! Raspunsul lui a devenit viral!

Postarea mamicii a generat sute de comentarii, insa nutritionistii sustin ca exista multi parinti care reusesc sa isi faca odraslele sa manance sanatos.

Copiii spun lucruri amuzante, in special atunci cand vine vorba despre mancare. Gasesc tot felul de scuze pentru a nu manca ce au in farfurie. 

In urma unei campanii a unui supermarket, parintii au fost provocati sa posteze pe Instagram imagini cu motivele pentru care cei mici refuza sa manance. 

Una dintre cele mai adorabile scuze a fost a unui baiat. A generat 2500 de Like-uri si 167 comentarii. Micutul a refuzat sa isi manance pastele pentru ca "au picioare cu degete la capete.

Iata si alte raspunsuri amuzante:

#MyKidCantEatThis because they look like feet and have toes at the end. - @katiebpetty

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis full bowl of oatmeal because she wants more oatmeal. #PleaseSirCanIHaveSomeMore #No #ToddlersAreAnnoying

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because shells go in the ocean. He was upset when I ate my portion. #FreeTheShells #NoShellLeftBehind - @mrslinderman

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because apparently I put lotion all over the carrots. #PutTheLotionOnTheCarrot #ItPutsTheLotionOnTheCarrotOrItGetsTheHoseAgain- @mrsbardell

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because it's broken. I said "it's not broken, you just made more chips" and he tried to hit me. Oh look it's nap time.

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because it looks like a Christmas stocking and he wants to hang it by the fireplace.

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because it's made out of "kitty cats." - @lmarkham11

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

#MyKidCantEatThis because they're dead. - @meffertz

A photo posted by My Kid Can't Eat This (@mykidcanteatthis) on

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